Saturday, 24 December 2005

Merry Christmas

Just a quick note to say Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you have a great time of rest and reflection. I thought I would post a cartoon my sister sent to me that is pretty amusing.

Anyway... have a good break and a wonderful New Year

Saturday, 17 December 2005

The Post Evangelical

[I have added and edited this entry because I have had feedback that it may be unclear. I hope the edits add clarity. SG]

This is the latest book I have read. I firstly want to recommend that only people with a questioning mind read it. It will offend and probably anger hard line evangelicals.

Essentially Dave Tomlinson is saying that we have been bought up in a world of science. Science says there is a right answer and a wrong answer. Black and white, if you like. Evangelicals, while they debate science, actually exhibit this black and white, right and wrong approach to Christianity.

Post Evangelicals are like post modernists. Post modernists accept there are answers given by science, but they value these answers along with art, nature, spirituality, etc. They think that what seems apparent, may not actually be true and are not afraid to question it. In fact there may actually be multiple 'correct' ways to the same answer.

So when it comes to Christianity, a Post Evangelical questions the orthodoxy. They question things like the inerrancy of the bible. They question the virgin birth. And many many more things. This is not saying that the orthodox view is wrong. It is saying there is no fear of challenging the orthodox afresh.

Dave argues this can lead to a much stronger and personal faith.

For those people that feel compelled to question everything and figure everything out themselves, this is an affirming book. In many ways it is the academic version of Blue Like Jazz.

But I reiterate... if you are a hardline orthodox evangecial who knows what is "right" already, best you give this a miss. It will save you a lot of stress.

Saturday, 3 December 2005

Beware women of the world

So I was searching for Christian stuff on Trademe today. There is someone trying to sell a number plate with JESUS5 for $500,000. But that was not what was really funny.

When you search for "Christian" you get all this Christian Dior stuff. I found this excellent item:


Apparently it takes 100ml of Christian Dior to kill a women. It costs $240. And it even says that it is Poison on the outside.


Or have I missed something...