Ok. So I have been playing around with a new free program/service called DropBox.
Basically you can install it on PCs, Macs and iPhones. Whatever gets put in a folder on any device gets synced to all of your devices and gets saved in a secure online storage place.
This is very cool.
You get 2Gb of space free. This is more than enough for important documents like wills, accounts, CVs, scans of various certificates etc.
The really cool thing is that these documents are then available on any machine you have this service running on. If you change the document on one machine, it is updated on all machines!
This is great for collaborative working.
If you are not backing up your documents, now you can for free. It is easy and it is at a level that is better than most businesses have.
Oh... and if you ask me for an invite, you and I get an extra 250Mb space each!!!