Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Obama wins (and so do we...)

It is with great relief and joy that I see Barack Obama win the US Presidency.

It is a joy to see the American people take a decisive step out of their history of racism. I have worried whether, as a nation, America would struggle to break the hold of this scourge. But they have done it. I congratulate all those who voted (both blue and red).

I am hopeful that Obama will live up to the expectation he has set.
I am hopeful that the idiocy of the last 8 years will be reversed.
I am hopeful that gross injustice of the war in Iraq, Guantanamo, the racial profiling of travelers and the spying on people who are different will be a thing of the past.
I am hopeful that America, for all its faults, will return to driving the world forward in technologies... particularly energy efficiency and re-usable technologies.

I worry that there will be some in the US who will not accept the decision of their democracy that they purport to defend and desire. I worry that there may be some who will not be able to look past the colour of Obama's skin and will resource to violent means. I hope they will stop and think about what has happened today. Democracy has worked. The people have spoken (rightly or wrongly). A new government is in place. That government is there by God's will. Don't believe me? Read your bible (Romans 13).

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