Sunday, 26 April 2009

Bit of an update...

Well some things are going well and some things aren't.
Larissa is piling on the weight. 100grams a day which is insane. She has dropped out of her lovely sleep pattern but it is probably just another growth period. She is very alert and seems to be taking everything in.
Claire has again recovered wonderfully in a physical sense from the c-section. The pain is gone and she is able to do everything again.
The big "plus" we have is we are absolutely (short of having an ABR) positive she can hear. She is woken up by noise, flinches at loud noises and turns and looks to noise. We have an ABR booked for the 25th May (the audiologist is on leave for a month and has a backlog when he comes back... and they don't have a locum... hmmm... do we live in a first world capital city or not!!!).
The big "negative" is that Claire has PND (Post Natal Depression) again. However we have been through this once before and we can get through it once more. PND makes no sense other except when we realise that we live in a fallen world.
So lots to be thankful about and definitely some stuff we would appreciate your prayers for.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sym + Claire
many congrats. We've just heard your news (at HongKong airport c/o free wifi there). Where we were in the UK (for my Mum's funeral) there was no internet access - at least that we could use, and no cellphone coverage - real technological backwater. Far better comms in Arshan!!
Sorry to hear of PND Claire. We will be praying.
Dave + Jo

Anonymous said...

Hi Sym and Claire. Sorry to hear about the PND. Larissa and Katya are beautiful and that will remain. The PND will pass. Thinking of and praying for you guys.
Alan and Aimee