Thursday, 26 October 2006

The Deliberate Church: Building your ministry on the gospel

I have finished another on churches. This one by Mark Deer and Paul Alexander was part of the pack we got given at The Impact Bible Conference 2006.

It is like most books of this ilk which present a "biblical" position on how churches should be. Strangely they all seem to come out with something close to what the writer's church is doing (but differs slightly from book to book). I have discussed in previous blog entries how I get quite frustrated by writers claiming "the biblical view" on things and not recognising how their take on this view is impacted significantly by the interpretative glasses they are wearing. So I will leave it at that.

That grizzle aside, the book is a good coverage of many of the issues that face churches in how they operate and are structured. There is some very sound advice and whether you with agree with it, the mere discussion about the issues is good for sorting them out.

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at this book. It is a useful contribution to the discussions about how to develop and grow a church.

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