Saturday, 16 February 2008

The new Apple is coming...

I have splashed out on a new computer. My old PowerBook 12inch 1.5Ghz G4 is really struggling with all the new video content that is now around. Even running Safari causes the temperatures to rise in it - GPU gets stressed.
I think I got the best deal by getting a re-conditioned MacBook from Apple US. With a 3 year warrantee it comes to about NZ$2000 including GST and a RAM upgrade to 2Gb (got a real steal on the RAM through a NZ company called
A friend is bringing the computer into NZ in about a week's time. It is pretty exciting stuff :)

Oh... if anyone wants to buy a well looked after PowerBook 12inch 1.5Ghz 768Mb RAM 80Gb 7200RPM HD CDRW/DVD laptop... let me know. I will probably put it on Trademe. It is still a very good computer and wonderful for traveling with as it is so lite and small. It also has all the features (modem, wireless, bluetooth)... just not enough grunt for video.

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