Monday, 21 April 2008

The Cutest thing

This morning Katya woke up at 5.45am. This was not cute.
She did not want to go back to sleep so I bought her into our bed and I sat her down between Claire and I. She was a bit grizzly at first because she was still sleepy. So she ended up lying down. After a while she tucked herself under my armpit (poor girl!!!) and settled. Soon she was sleeping... except her eyes were open. I could tell she was sleeping as her breathing pattern changes.
Then she closed her eyes and went fully to sleep.
Then the cutest thing I have ever seen happened. She giggled. IN HER SLEEP.
She must have been dreaming but she giggled and then laughed a little. She slept through to 7.30am.
Anyway... it was very cute!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Aww, that is so sweet! Our babies have done this once or twice and is just adorable.

Louise :)