Saturday, 12 April 2008

Sicko and The Kingdom

I have just watched two DVDs.

The first was Michael Moore's Sicko. Good thought provoking stuff. You have to hand it to the Cubans. They really know how to stick it to the US. The most interesting part was where he showed how much people like Bush and Clinton had been bought for. It is messages like this that will be what wins the Democratic nomination for Obama.

The second movie, The Kingdom, I found awesome. I thought it was going to be a shot'em up movie. Instead it turned out to be more of a social commentary than Sicko. The final scenes where each side says that their driving desire is to "Kill Them All" is what got the US stuck in Iraq and the Israeli's into their hole.

It got me thinking that Jesus preached an upside down kingdom... where to win you have to lose and so forth. He would say the only solution to the rubbish happening in the Middle East is forgiveness. However it seems forgiveness is impossible after so much bloodshed. I admire the Sth Africans and their approach to reconciliation. Essentially if you fessed up you would be forgiven and you would be free of punishment. This approach kept Sth Africa from turning into a blood bath of reprisals. Similar approaches have been applied in Ireland. Many nations with issues (NZ, Australia, various African nations, Palestine) need to learn from this.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Its a shame South Africa still isnt as peaceful and reconciled and everybody holding hands and singing kumbaya around the fire as it seems to be portrayed as... talk about your tense undercurrents!
But it is definately better than the middle east, thats for sure