Thursday, 6 August 2009

Some exciting times with Katya

Katya is on fire at the moment and so many things are just happening I thought I would jot them down.

  1. After six months of having the CIs... four months of real hearing... she has tested at 13 months hearing comprehension and 12 months speech.
  2. She has started Grace Kindergarten and is loving it
  3. We have got a dedicated teacher support person who is experienced and using Katya as part of her post grad education
  4. SES are providing (without us asking) and FM unit to help Katya and the support person work in the noisy environment of kindy
  5. She used the potty tonight without any (I mean any) prompting. This is the first time.
  6. We have got on top of the post cold asthma and figured out how we can manage this without needing to go to hospital
  7. She is just loving her DVDs
  8. She has started to do things that are two logical steps. For instance build something that then can be used to build something bigger.
  9. She is sharing and accepting no
  10. Katya's vocab has added a "ya" to her "no"
  11. She is giving us very little grief with having her CIs on. Even with them turned up.
  12. One of her CIs died but the Southern CI programme are just sooooo responsive. A loan unit was programmed and with us within two days
Basically, what I am saying is we are in a really lovely zone with Katya and she is just soooo happy. Most of the time she is skipping around... bubbling with joy.

It's pretty cool. Hallelujah!

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