Friday, 17 July 2009

Big Change

Today I took Larissa to live with her Aunt. It has become too dangerous for her to be around Claire. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.

Claire is not improving at the moment. We are trying a new medicine and counselling regime. Hopefully this will help.


Devin said...

We will be praying, Sym.
--The Smiths in the U.S.

Kerry said...

Sym that must be heart-breaking! Isn't her sister in Hamilton (or up that way?)? I hope it only needs to be for a short time and you get to visit her often in the meantime. Praying Claire recovers fast. Did you see the email I sent about the Celebrate Recovery 9mth course our church runs? She might not be quite ready for it yet, but maybe she will be when it starts in August...?
Please let me know what I can do to be of help at the moment?