Saturday, 23 December 2006

First Day as a father

Today has been great and difficult.

Claire is doing wonderfully feeding Katya and she is mending from the c-section very well. Her blood presure etc are now fine.

Katya is very well... knocking out the most disgusting black tar (poos) I have ever seen. She is feeding like a sumo wrestler.

Claire is struggling with the after effects of the birth. This has really hit her emotionally. I think it is a combination of drugs, no sleep, no food and one of the craziest events that can hit you (having a kid).

Fortunately there have not been any beds available in the maternity ward so we have been able to stay in the delivery ward.

We have had the best hospital midwives in Emma and Rachel. In fact all the midwives have been great but these two ladies are cool.

We have had wonderful support from our church family, including some very encouraging e-mails and sms/txt from our church family in Irkutsk, Russia.

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