Wednesday, 27 December 2006

We're home!

We have made it home.

This first photo is Katya in her capsule at hospital.

This second photo is Katya in her capsule at home in her room.

This final photo is of my two girls in Katya's room.

We decided to come home bacause the Maternity ward was getting a bit frustrating (and Claire's blood pressure had come right and Katya was tested healthy). The "science" of being a midwife seems to be quite variable in the ward. We were getting different advice every change in shift. There is room for a lot of improvement. I might write more about this later.

Anyway... we are home and we are rapidly finding out that we have to take things slowly. It seems you can only change one thing at a time without the world falling on once head.

All in all... today has been a good day. The milk tanker arrived for Claire and we are home. That is pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and love from Mum and Dad - love the pics. Have a good night!!!!!!!!!!

Kris said...

What a lovely photo of Katya and Claire! Love Louise