Monday, 25 December 2006

We have turned a corner

I am just back from the hospital for lunch. We seem to have turned a corner. Katya is feeding properly. Claire is soooooooooooooooooooo much better (both physically and mentally). And most things that were an issue have been resolved.

Here are a couple more pics. Not the new fashion accessory... an apple protector for Katya's head.

Oh... other good things include Katya is putting on weight. She was 3.2kg at birth. Now she is 3.8kg!!! And we are getting soaking nappies (which is good apparently for all except the person changing them).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Claire, you must have FAB milk!! I'm sure you know most babies lose weight in the first week and Katya has gained heaps in just a few days!! Amazing!!! Well done :)