Friday, 29 December 2006

I'm stuffed...

Claire, Katya and I spent last night in hospital. Claire had a good sleep (thanks to a couple of pills) and I looked after Katya.

This morning Claire is a lot better and even had the desire to breast feed (and did a good job of it too).

My mother arrived last night and will help carry a bit of what has landed on us. I seriously recommend any (I many any) couple planning on having a child to have someone there 24/7 for at least a week. This was a mistake on our behalf.

As for Claire, she continues to produce masses of milk. Physically she is well. Even the disjointed sentences have improved. And her memory has started to work.

Later today she will be assessed. I think they will find she is not depressed but rather extremely anxious. Her anxiety has been born out of us having too higher expectations. As these expectations start to lower and become a bit more real, I suspect Claire will return to who Claire really is.

However the assessment will help make sure there is nothing else floating in the background.

As for me, I am about to enjoy lunch, have a nap and wander back up later today.

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