Thursday, 28 December 2006

A step backwards

Today the midwife came around. She has admitted Claire back to hospital with depression. Physically everyone is fine. Mentally Claire is not able to cope. This is not surprising given all she has gone through. She has done amazingly well to get this far.

Tomorrow she will be assessed and we will find a way forward.

If you are from the praying section of our friends, we would appreciate your prayers. At the moment we are not in a good place. Of particular concern is the return of the shakes and other blood pressure related issues.

Needless to say... all visits are off until we have worked through this issue.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sym - thanks for keeping us so up to date. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, clarie & wee Katya. Warwick & Carolyn.

Nathanael Baker said...

Praying for you guys! Thank you for keeping us updated. Sounds like a really difficult period. God Bless Nathanael